Sep 18 – 21, 2023
Protea Hotel Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone


Session 2B

Sep 19, 2023, 4:00 PM


Session 2B: Trust, identity, and other buzzwords

  • Donald Coetzee (TENET South Africa)


Trust, identity, and other buzzwords:
Globally we’re seeing trust & identity services being one of the core “plumbing” services provided by NRENs. Research exists in a space that’s not easily or well served by the commercial alternatives. However, in South Africa, take up is still lagging and many institutions struggle to set up and maintain the infrastructure required. This session aims to unpack some of the successes and failures inherent in identity and access management. (We can talk about certificates too…)

Room Location: Room 5&6, First Floor

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