18–21 Sept 2023
Protea Hotel Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

An integrated approach to student IT support at the Durban University of Technology

Not scheduled
Presentation Empowering students in an information age Session 4A


Sagren Moodley (Durban University of Technology)


The DUT Library is deeply integrated within the university, this is evident in the number of services that are offered within the academic and research project. Core to our service is information literacy and research training and provision of relevant information resources to support curriculum and research needs. In its conventional role, the library has always provided IT support to students to access information in the library. However, major shifts in technology, forced moves to hybrid and online learning and the digitalization of the university, has led to an evolution in the IT support to include other critical support services that students require to undertake their learning and research successfully. This paper will provide an overview of the current IT support service offered by the library and will also share new developments that may have an impact on the service. Further, to demonstrate the extent of this service, this paper will also provide an in-depth analysis of the on-site and virtual support requests handled by library IT staff.

Travel and/or accommodation

Funding is a problem for on-site attendance. If paper is accepted, I would appreciate it if TENET could subsidize travel and accommodation costs. I have noted that DUT would have to pay upfront.

Primary author

Sagren Moodley (Durban University of Technology)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.