18–21 Sept 2023
Protea Hotel Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

[how] UCT libraries is managing the Restoration of the Jagger Library

20 Sept 2023, 13:40
Presentation [how] UCT libraries is managing the Restoration of the Jagger Library” Speaker


Nikki Crowster (UCT Library)


The 2021 Cape Town Fire resulted in the destruction of the historic Jagger Library and Reading Room and 90 000 objects. A similar number was salvaged, triaged and are in various stages of recovery. To reach this point in a timeframe that has impressed among others UNESCO, a multi-varied approach was deployed that includes disaster management; project management; preservation and conservation; digitisation and digitalisation; information and knowledge management; and, information and communication technologies. This presentation offers a story of coherence and resilience in the face of an unimaginable disaster.

Primary author

Nikki Crowster (UCT Library)

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